About Evergreen Cemetery
The Evergreen Cemetery Association, located at 283 West Troy Street in Saint Paris, Ohio, is a private cemetery association that offers funeral and burial services to the general public. The Cemetery provides information about their funeral and burial policies, burial record and plot records to interested parties by contacting: Evergreen Cemetery, P.O. Box 1, St. Paris Ohio, 43072. For information related to grave sales and funeral services contact Nancy Massie, Caretaker, at evergreenstparisohio@yahoo.com or Jeff Burroughs, at (937) 663-4778 Click here for current Prices.
History of Evergreen Cemetery
The establishment of present-day Evergreen Cemetery began with the death of twenty-two-year-old James McMorran in 1841. His parents Samuel and Barbara, who had come to St. Paris around 1813, buried him on their family farm that stretched across Jackson and Johnson townships in Champaign County. In 1877, their descendants sold 7.5 acres of the McMorran graveyard to the people of St. Paris for $500.
For Further information, you may enjoy reading Evergreen Cemetery, Saint Paris, Ohio, 1877-2022 by Rick Burnside.

Evergreen Cemetery Rules & Regulations
- Cemetery is open from sunrise to sunset.
- All pets must be kept on leash. You must clean up after your pet.
- Please place trash in trash receptacles.
- Clean up Dates:
- March 1-15: Remove winter decorations by March 15th.
- November 1-14: Remove all summer decorations by November 14th.
- Saddle wreaths on markers will be permitted any season.
- Existing evergreen bushes, trees, etc., will be trimmed at the cemetery board discretion.
- We reserve the right to remove anything becoming unsightly, not adding to the pleasant appearance of the cemetery.
- The monuments and markers are the property of the owners. We are not responsible for the theft, defacing, or damage of monuments, wind damage, or other acts of God or of anything placed on your lot.
- Please be respectful of the cemetery.
- Alcoholic beverages are prohibited. Mulch, bark, rock, marble chips and fencing around monuments are prohibited.

Source: CountyOffice.org

Visit our Facebook page: Evergreen Cemetery Association