The Village of St. Paris Street Department has the significant responsibility of maintaining village streets within the corporation limits. The Street Department is responsible for crack sealing, fixing pot holes and doing their best to ensure that the roads are rid of fallen branches, trash and other types of debris. They are also responsible for the leaf pickup service that St. Paris provides to its residents, while making sure that drainage basins are not obstructed to allow storm water to flow.
Ohio can bring some very harsh winters! St. Paris Street Department does its best to help keep the streets clear of the snow. It is the goal of the Street Department to remove the snow as efficiently as possible and to do so in a safe manner.
Village residents are encouraged to report any issue with roadways to the Municipal Building at 135 W. Main Street or by calling 663-4329. In the case of an emergency, please call 911.
To view the Village of St. Paris 5 Year Paving Plan, please click on this link:
St Paris-5 Year Paving Plan-Updated March 2021
Village Street Department Employees
Cory Muterspaw
Employed with the Village of St. Paris since 2022
Snow and Ice Removal
Village Snow Removal Policy
During and after all winter storms, please allow extra travel time as you may encounter varying roadway conditions especially on side streets with lower traffic volumes.
Village crews do not clear sidewalks in front of residents’ homes. If you want your sidewalk cleared of snow, you will need to make your own arrangements to get this done.
Village of St. Paris snow removal personnel cannot clear snow from driveways or across driveway openings. This is the responsibility of the property owner.
Main Roads First Priority
During periods of heavy snowfall or falling temperatures, the Village will begin snow plowing. Plowing requires additional time to complete and in some instances of heavy snowfall, Village crews may repeat plowing efforts on main roads to keep these higher volume roadways clear and passable throughout winter storms. Snow plowing does result in a windrow of snow deposited alongside roadways and across driveway openings. Streets are de-iced or plowed in the order of traffic volumes and posted speed limits. Main roads are the first roads deiced and plowed. Main roads include:
- Main Street
- Springfield Street
- High Street
- Troy Street
After the main roads are cleared then the rest are plowed. Examples of these roads are:
- Lynn Street
- Plum Street
- Church Street
- Elm Street
After the higher traffic volume roadways are cleared snow removal then moves into subdivisions focusing first on through streets with lower traffic volumes and culminates with snow removal on cul-de-sac and other non-through roadways. Alleys are always last to be plowed and are not plowed with of accumulations of less than 4 inches. Some alleys due to their size are not plowed at all.
On Street Parking Prohibits Plowing Efforts
Parked cars along Village streets often prevent a thorough clearing of streets particularly when plowing is necessary. Snow removal trucks are able to move and complete thorough plowing if they do not have to maneuver around parked cars.
Snow Emergency Declarations
A snow emergency may be declared by the Village of St. Paris if a snowstorm results in greater than 2 inches of accumulated snowfall. Additionally when a Village of St. Paris snow emergency is declared parking is prohibited on all Village streets until snow removal is completed. Information regarding snow emergency declarations is provided to major television and radio stations and is also posted on the Village website.
Other items, such as portable basketball hoops can also create big problems for snow plow operators. These items are actually prohibited from being placed in the public right of way at all times, however not all residents observe this rule and this has created problems for our snow plow operators in the past. So, particularly during snow emergencies, make sure that not only your cars are removed from the roadways, but that any other portable structures are also out of the way to avoid damage both to our equipment and your property.
Salt Utilized for Roadway De-Icing
The Village of St. Paris utilizes rock salt to keep snow and ice from bonding to roadways during most winter storms. As temperatures drop into single digits or below zero all deicing materials rapidly lose effectiveness to melt snow and ice. As a result, if a major winter storm is followed by rapidly falling temperatures some roads may remain partially or completely covered with packed snow and ice.
Be Careful Where You Pile Shoveled Snow
Snow plowing will result in a windrow of snow deposited alongside the roadway and across driveways. Please do not plow or shovel snow from driveways onto, or across, public streets, Snow removed from private property onto public streets can cause icing conditions on streets that have already been salted and plowed.
Please always use caution when driving in winter weather and feel free to call the office at 937-663-4329 with any questions or concerns for the winter season.